Wednesday, August 3, 2011


One evening last week we had been invited to meet the Zawose family at their compound.  They are at least 3 generations of musicians and live stock tenders.  They all live in the same area and suspect their family totals well over 100.  They showed us some of the basic dancing and music from Tanzania then invited us to a show they were doing at a restaurant near our home base.  At some point during these interactions, we arranged for Stu Bella and Kerry to make their own drums.  (Liz prefered a day curled up with a book) They did get previously made drums with broken tops and started with a dried goat skin...enter the razor blades to remove the hair. No, they were NOT safety razors. Three hours of soaking in water, softened the skins up and part 2 gave them rusty nails to attach the new skin.  NOw we just need the lessons.

Many of the college girls from the last session left today.  They will be missed, have been enjoying their views, advice and conversation.

Now that I have the time to write, the internet cafe has been closed all weekend.  I believe it is a religious holiday that is keeping it closed, rather then the typical reason of loosing electricity.  My guess is bases on the "call to prayer" that has been audible much of the day, spouting from some nasty speaker from a place of worship at least a block away.  Reminds me of the base speakers that travel in the trunks of cars in our home.

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