Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How Little Language Really Means

Really hard day today.  Liz and I left for our school placement today.  Rather then our traditional greeting from 60 children with great smiles on their faces, the yard was quiet and the cook and other teacher just kept pointing for us to go in to the office.  I suspected no school as Julius told me yesterday he was feeling" a little malaria".  We did find Julius who told us that one of the children in our class Petro was knocked down by a van and killed on the way home from school yesterday. He turned 6 years olds about 5 days ago. There would be not classes today so they could tend to the family.

Stunned, we returned to home base.  We talked to Zik, who was immediately on the phone calling to get information.  Liz and I took a walk through town and when we returned just before lunch, the day was revised so Elizabeth and I would be able to attend the funeral with 3 of the staff from CCS.

The service was in Swahili, but the grief of the day and experience, needs no language to be understood.  Aug 2nd.

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