Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Post 2: electric boogaloo

We are very well taken care of here.  Safety is a very high priority.  Our program is overseen by Zik, a man who surely must be quite powerful in this community.  He is the man we ask where we should and should not spend our precious dollars.  I so appreciate his  candor and respect his judgement.  During one of our early meetings, he did emphize that CCS curfew is 10:00pm and Bagamoyo curfew is 11:00 pm.  They wanted that hour in between to go out to look for missing people.

Saturday, Zik was looking around for Stuart to give a message to him.  Anna, one of the girls at his placement had called to invite him to her birthday party, to be held at the Hillside cafe.  This is right around the corner from home bace and we had been there several times.  Invitation was for 7:00.  Deanna, Bella, Liz, Stu and I got there about 7:30  sat around an hour and a half or so, until Anna, the birthday girl turning 19 showed up with a couple friends wearing her tierra.  Joseph, one of the CCS Staff was there and Zeek had also stopped by to bring a card.  The private area and music set up  made it obvious that this was not a welcome all type of party, but the invitation was truely addressed to Stuart.   I will try to have him describe the events of the evening first hand and share here only from the mom's point of view.

As is typical, I went to bed early, when Liz and Bella woke me up about 11:00 saying Stuart wasn't back yet.  After spending about 10 minutes trying to figure out the best way to deal with this.  I wasn't really worried, I had spoken to Joseph before we left the restaurant and knew he would walk him home.  I did go and speak to the guard at the CCS gate and he assured me they would go get him. They also knew already where he was.  Zik came by a couple minutes later to the annex house where we are sleeping and assured me he was fine.  When I told him I was more concerned that he had broken curfew, Zeeks response was "I gave him special lease to stay out later tonight".  Hoping I can get Stu to describe the party events.  Think he had a great time.  Think I like this takes a village thing.  keeps me from being the bad guy all the time.  July 30th.

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