Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tanzania Update

Hey guys! This is stuart! We were having trouble with the blog but that is over now. we are enjoying our placements a lot. I am working with AIDS patients and a bunch of other stuff, while Mom and Liz are working at a school with a ton of little kids. Our fellow volunteers are all very nice! The surroundings seem like a movie set, every cliche thing you hear about africa is a reality. homes made of sheet metal, police with enormous automatic weapons, children running around everywhere, women carrying heavy loads on their heads. it sometimes feels like its all fake, like everyone is putting on a show to trick us. Many things are very cheap, a dollars worth of tanzanian shillings buys 3 sodas. glass bottle, real sugar. its very nice! there is a lot more to write about, but we don't have a lot of time to do so! ill try to write more soon! bye!

-Stuart Naue

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