Monday, July 18, 2011

Definition of stress

-Paper work to go to Tanzania  Do they really need kids report card?????
-separating "good money" from bad Tanzania only takes money printed after 2006
-they don't take credit cards only occasionally traveler checks
-getting kids to join in on this organization
-the entire idea of taking kids halfway across the world
-have not yet gotten our malaria meds from our stinking mail order pharmacy
-making sure our suitcases don't weigh over 50 pounds (cost for overage on Africa trips is ONLY $200.00)
-leaving my Mom with my very much ailing dog who suffers from sever depression when I am home from work later then 5:30 (that would be the dog, Mom may be welcoming the relief from my craziness)
-leaving my patients and Doc at work when I know things should be in better shape
-planning on taking only a couple packs of cigarettes, using this trip to give them up (again)

-have gotten very good at compartmentalization. Plan to forget about all of this (except the cigarettes) when we get on the first plane of our 26 hours in the air!

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot to get organized before leaving, wow! They sure are particular about what they will accept (money, report cards, etc.). I hope you guys have a fantastic trip. It's crazy that you'll be halfway around the world for a month, and leaving in TWO days! Have fun!
